You can complete the online questionnaire
By completing this online questionnaire you will be adding to the research in this project and helping to steer it in new directions. It should take between 6-10 minutes to complete.

Click the button below
When you click on this button below, it will open a new browser tab & take you away from this website to our questionnaire hosted on Google Forms.
The questionnaire covers the 3 core areas in this research study: Use of bedtime technology; sleep and circadian rhythms. Some respondents have found the questions to appear a little repetitive.
It may seem that way. However, each question is addressing different aspects of the 3 core areas. Once you've completed the questionnaire, if you come back to this page afterwards and scroll down to the section at the bottom, there's a link to enable you to view the current results from all the questionnaire responses received in this citizen science project so far.

Print out the questionnaire & conduct a street survey
One step further than completing the online questionnaire yourself, is to engage with local communities all around the world and conducting street surveys or administering the questionnaire within community groups. This opens up the project to the whole world & allows us to collect an even greater data sample.
Printed surveys
Click one of the buttons to the right, to print off the questionnaire. You can use the questionnaire to conduct a street survey or distribute them enmasse. There's 2 versions (for ease of printing), a 2-sided questionnaire & a 4-sided questionnaire. They're both the same questions.

Digital surveys
A more efficient idea for data collection is to conduct the questionnaire through our online questionnaire using an iPad or digital tablet whilst conducting street surveys. Just click on the button at the top of this page & refresh after each questionnaire to start a new one with a different person. The results will go straight into the data sample and be reflected live in the data responses page.
When conducting questionnaires in public, you must always remember that the survey itself is voluntary so you can't force people to take the questionnaire. This citizen science project must comply at all times with these ethical guidelines. It's also important therefore that the questionnaire respondents are kept anonymous. You'll note, there's nowhere on the question form to enter a name. This is on purpose and must be kept this way to comply with data protection. Start slow and open them up with a warm conversational style. Explain the purpose of the survey & what happens to the results.
Please remember that safety is always of paramount importance, especially if you have a digital tablet on display. Always try to go in groups or with at least 1 other person and remain in open areas where you can be seen by lots of people.

Engage your local community in this project
Just by engaging your local community with this citizen science initiative, you are helping to increase awareness of this research. This is absolutely vital for all citizen science projects. The more people who become aware, the more can become directly involved.

Help spread the word
You could help promote this citizen science project within your local community by printing out and distributing the questionnaires, providing online access to the questionnaire or by simply raising awareness.
If you belong to a volunteer organisation or a student body at a university, this would be a great project to get involved with on campus. Don't forget to contact us if you need any further assistance.
If you're a teacher or working in education, you could find ways to integrate this project with the national syllabus, working it directly into lesson plans. You could even set a project or homework based around this citizen science project, enriching enquiring minds with real-world scientific research, project management and statistical analysis. This can be especially valuable in science, maths & geography or as part of a lunchtime or after-school STEM club.

View the current results from all the questionnaire responses
If you want to stay up-to-date with the results from this citizen science project, you can visit this site at any time and click the button below which will take you to the results. All results are 'live' and updated automatically after each questionnaire response.